Charlotte’s Web is one of the top 100 best-selling books of all time and the best-selling children’s paperback book ever. The New York Times called it “just about perfect, and just about magical in the way it is done.” Tony-winning playwright Joseph Robinette’s touching and faithful stage version will make audiences believe this beloved book is coming to life on the KCT stage.

In rural Maine, Wilbur, a young orphan pig, is loved by his owner, Fern Arable. But the pig is destined to be slaughtered for food, and as soon as he is old enough, the Arables send the pig to his fate on the Zuckerman family farm. A lonely, childless spider named Charlotte, who lives in a dark corner of the Zuckerman’s barn, takes pity on the pitiful little pig and decides to do what she can to save his life. Wilbur is grateful for this mysterious mother figure, but the act of true motherhood will come at a costly price for the tiny spider.